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Version: 1.0.0



DataModel is an in-browser representation of tabular data. It supports relational algebra operators as well as generic data processing operators. DataModel extends Relation class which defines all the relational algebra operators. DataModel gives definition of generic data processing operators which are not relational algebra compliant but needed for ease of use.

1. constructor

Syntax:  constructor(formattedData, config)
- formattedData:
required: true
type: Object
descriptions: An object with default data object
- data:
required: true
type: Array of Array
descriptions: Input data in any of the mentioned formats.
- schema:
required: true
type: Object
description : The field definitions in Object format. Order of the variables in data
and order of the variables in schema has to be same.

- config:
required: false
type: Object
- enableDomainCompletion:
type: boolean
description: Adds support for choosing whether to fill in missing bins when getting bins from a DataModel's Binned Field

Creates a new DataModel instance by providing a data (array of arrays) and schema.

Data of any other format can be loaded using the loadData api of DataModel. Also it is advised to use the loadData api to better handle invalid values, especially for date-time fields.

DataModel also expects a Schema for identifying the variables present in data.

Here is a working example:

const Datamodel = muze.DataModel;
const data = [
"chevrolet chevelle malibu",
"ford fiesta",
"bmw 320i",
"chevrolet chevelle malibu",
"ford fiesta",
"bmw 320i",
[18, 36.1, 21.5, 18, 36.1, 21.5],
["8", "4", "4", "8", "4", "4"],
[130, 66, 110, 130, 66, 110],
["1970", "1978", "1977", "1970", "1978", "1977"],
const schema = [
name: "Name",
type: "dimension",
name: "Miles_per_Gallon",
type: "measure",
unit: "gallon",
name: "Cylinders",
type: "dimension",
name: "Horsepower",
type: "measure",
name: "Year",
type: "dimension",
format: "%Y",
let dm = new Datamodel({ data, schema });


Note: printDM is a utility function to render DataModel's data for demostration purpose.

The output looks like this:

chevrolet chevelle malibu1881301970
ford fiesta36.14661978
bmw 320i21.541101977
chevrolet chevelle malibu1881301970
ford fiesta36.14661978

2. getData

Syntax:  getData()

Retrieve the data attached to an instance in JSON format.

const Datamodel = muze.DataModel;
const data = [
Maker: "chevrolet",
Name: "chevrolet chevelle malibu",
Miles_per_Gallon: 18,
Cylinders: 8,
Displacement: 307,
Horsepower: 130,
Weight_in_lbs: 3504,
Acceleration: 12,
Year: "1970-01-01",
Origin: "USA",
Maker: "buick",
Name: "buick skylark 320",
Miles_per_Gallon: 15,
Cylinders: 8,
Displacement: -350,
Horsepower: 165,
Weight_in_lbs: 3693,
Acceleration: 11.5,
Year: "1970-01-01",
Origin: "USA",
// ... and so on...
const schema = [
name: "Name",
type: "dimension",
name: "Maker",
type: "dimension",
name: "Miles_per_Gallon",
type: "measure",
defAggFn: "avg",
name: "Displacement",
type: "measure",
defAggFn: "sum",
name: "Horsepower",
type: "measure",
defAggFn: "sum",
name: "Weight_in_lbs",
type: "measure",
defAggFn: "min",
name: "Acceleration",
type: "measure",
defAggFn: "sum",
name: "Origin",
type: "dimension",
name: "Cylinders",
type: "dimension",
name: "Year",
type: "dimension",
subtype: "temporal",
format: "%Y-%m-%d",

const formattedData = await Datamodel.loadData(data, schema);
let dm = new Datamodel(formattedData);
let names = =>;
printTable(dm.getData().data, names, { rowLimit: 3 });

Note: printTable is a utility function to render DataModel's data for demostration purpose.

chevrolet chevelle malibuchevrolet18307130350412USA8-19800000
buick skylark 320buick15350165369311.5USA8-19800000
plymouth satelliteplymouth18318150343611USA8-19800000


Array: Returns a multidimensional array of the data with schema. The return format looks like

{ data, schema }

3. getSchema

Syntax: getSchema()

Retrieves the schema details for every field in an array format.


Schema: Array of fields schema.

{ name: 'Name', type: 'dimension' },
{ name: 'Miles_per_Gallon', type: 'measure', format: (val) => ${val} miles / gallon },
{ name: 'Cylinder', type: 'dimension' },
{ name: 'Displacement', type: 'measure', defAggFn: 'max' },
{ name: 'HorsePower', type: 'measure', defAggFn: 'max' },
{ name: 'Weight_in_lbs', type: 'measure', defAggFn: 'avg', },
{ name: 'Acceleration', type: 'measure', defAggFn: 'avg' },
{ name: 'Year', type: 'dimension', subtype: 'datetime', format: '%Y' },
{ name: 'Origin' }

4. getField

Syntax:  getField(fieldName)
- fieldName:
required: true
type: string
descriptions: get the field instance from the field name


Field Instance, this instance can be use to access field functions.

5. getDataMeta

Syntax:  getDataMeta()


Object of rowCount and columnCount